Current Openings
Post-Doctoral Researcher
The Steele Group at The University of Utah is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to
investigate the origin of vibrational couplings and the development of new spectroscopy simulation methods. This NSF- and DOE-funded position will also investigate spectroscopic signatures
of catalytic transformations and ion/radical/metal hydration. A PhD in Theoretical
Chemistry, Physics, or a related field is required. Experience with quantum chemistry,
dynamics, and/or spectroscopy is preferred. The initial appointment is for one year,
with the possibility of renewal.
Please send cover letter, CV, and letter(s) of recommendation directly to Prof. Steele.
Post-Doctoral Researcher
The Steele Group at The University of Utah is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to investigate new many-body methods and their application in the development of artificial intelligence (AI)/machine-learning (ML) for quantum potential energy surfaces. This University of Utah-funded position will investigate the application of these new techniques in the context of potential energy surfaces for spectroscopic analyses. A PhD in Theoretical Chemistry, Physics, or a related field is required. Experience with AI/ML, as well as quantum chemistry, dynamics, or spectroscopy is preferred. The initial appointment is for one year, with the possibility of renewal.
Please send cover letter, CV, and letter(s) of recommendation directly to Prof. Steele.
Graduate Student Researcher
We are always seeking ambitious and inquisitive graduate students for positions in our group. Funded positions are available for the 2023-2024 academic year. Current research projects include NSF- and DOE-funded investigations of the vibrational spectra of hydrated ions/radicals/metals and catalytic transformers, as well as methodology development to access these challenging systems.
For questions about opportunities or life in the Steele Group, please contact Prof. Steele or any of our current group members.